Warm Weather Uniform Now Permitted

Warm Weather Uniform Now Permitted


A reminder that students now have the option to wear the first dress uniform, or the white Appleby crested polo shirt with or without the Appleby ¼ zip crested sweater as a warmer weather uniform. Students should be leaving the house in proper uniform and arriving to school in proper uniform. If students are out of uniform, we will be contacting home and hoping for a quick solution. In some cases, we will be directing students to lost and found or the College Shop to fix the issue. 

Wearing anything but the proper uniform is not ok. Hooded sweatshirts (even one with an Appleby logo), jeans, athletic wear, running shoes (even if they are black) are not permitted during the school day unless there is a very special circumstance involving a travelling team or another specific event. 

Thank you for your support. For more information on Appleby’s dress code please review the Standards of School Dress and Appearance.