Senior School Information

Senior School Information

Last updated
1/9/2025 3:46:13 PM

The Distinction of Senior School
(Grade 11 & 12)

"The Senior School is focused on developing well-rounded individuals. Engaging in areas such as our diverse and expansive academic course offerings, co-curriculars, leadership roles, and Boarding Life programming, students learn to develop the vital skills necessary to succeed now and in the future."

Mike Moores -  Director, Senior School

Appleby College Diploma

  • More rigorous academic requirements than the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, combined with significant co-curricular requirements
  • Requires completion of 22.5 compulsory credits (Languages, Arts, Physical and Health Education, Science and Mathematics, Social Science, Guidance and Technology), completion of 9-12 elective credits, as well as Boarding Life, Service, Co-Curricular, a Global Experience and Duke of Edinburgh's Award diploma requirements
  • Click here to view the course calendar
  • Click here to view the school profile

Colours & Pins

  • Arts Colours are awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding performance in arts and model commitment, positive participation and enthusiasm
  • Athletics Colours are awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding performance and leadership in competitive athletics
  • Service Colours are awarded to students who demonstrate a unique understanding of their service learning placement
  • Club Pins are awarded to students who demonstrate an exceptional contribution to their club, far exceeding expectations

Appleby College Diploma with Distinction in Global Leadership OriginalImage,Original

  • Global Leadership Interdisciplinary credit course in Senior Two (Grade 12)
  • Two Global Experiential trips
  • Prolonged study of World Languages
  • Enhanced study and development of Global Competencies
  • Completion of Global Competencies Reflection connected to Global Experiential Trip
  • Development of a Global Action Plan
  • Global, Social Justice or Intercultural focus in co-curricular activities
  • The Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award 


Appleby College Diploma with Distinction in Business LeadershipOriginalImage,Original

  • Successful completion of at least three business courses at the 3M/4M/4U level and one mathematics course at the 4U level 

  • Achieve at least a 90% average across their top 3 business courses 

  • Engage in an activity that provides business leadership experience 

  • External learning: summer work/internship 

  • Performance-based learning: case study competition, market simulation challenge, etc. 

  • Community engagement: volunteer at a non-profit, attend a networking event, etc. 

  • At least two clubs/co-curriculars focused on business or entrepreneurship  

  • The Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award 


Appleby College Diploma with Distinction in Creative Arts LeadershipOriginalImage,Original

  • Successful completion of at least two arts courses at the 3M/3U level and two at the 4M/4U level 

  • Achieve at least a 90% average across their top 3 arts courses 

  • Engage in an activity that provides arts leadership experience 

  • External learning: Global Experiential Trip with an Arts focus, internship, etc. 

  • Performance-based learning: recital, gallery show, etc. 

  • Community engagement: volunteer at a museum, attend a dance festival, etc. 

  • At least two clubs/co-curriculars focused on creative arts 

  • The Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award 



Appleby College Diploma with Distinction in STEM Leadership OriginalImage,Original

  • Successful completion of at least two science, one technology, and two mathematics courses at the 4M/4U level 

  • Achieve at least a 90% average across their top course from each discipline 

  • Engage in an activity that provides STEM leadership experience 

  • External learning: Global Experiential Trip with a STEM focus, internship, etc. 

  • Performance-based learning: math competition, science fair, etc. 

  • Community engagement: volunteer in a lab, attend a STEM conference, etc. 

  • At least two clubs/co-curriculars focused on STEM 

  • The Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award 


AP Capstone™ Diploma OriginalImage,Original

  • In addition to its AP course programme, Appleby offers the two-year AP Capstone Diploma programme for Senior One (Grade 11) and Senior Two (Grade 12) students
  • The AP Capstone programme focuses on analytic, research, problem-solving and communication skills
  • AP Capstone students complete AP Research, which includes creating a proposal, choosing a methodology, conducting research, writing a paper of 5,000 to 6,000 words, and presenting and defending their findings
  • Eight AP Capstone Diploma recipients have been published in The Young Researcher – a peer-reviewed journal for secondary school students
  • Appleby is the largest AP Capstone school in Canada
AP Offerings
  • English Composition
  • English Literature
  • Calculus AB
  • Calculus BC
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science A
  • Art History
  • Studio Art
  • French Language
  • Chinese Language
  • Human Geography
  • Macroeconomics
  • Psychology
  • World History
  • U.S. History
  • Physics 1
  • Physics 2
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Research
  • Seminar

AP Capstone

  • Equips students with independent research, collaborative teamwork, and communication skills
  • Provides unique research opportunities
  • Comprised of two AP courses — AP Seminar and AP Research
  • Master the argument-based writing skills that the AP Capstone programme develops



  • Senior Two (Grade 12) mandatory boarding

  • Prepares students for life away from home (such as university)

  • Promotes the development of communication skills and encourages understanding of different people and cultures

  • Helps foster time management/planning skills in students and enhances student accountability

  • Enables deep friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime


  • Challenges, accelerates learning and motivates students
  • AP examinations are accepted as first-year credits at Canadian and U.S. colleges and universities
  • AP Capstone is an innovative diploma programme providing students an opportunity to engage in rigorous scholarly practice of the core academic skills necessary for successful university completion
  • To achieve the AP Capstone certificate, students must complete and pass AP Seminar and AP Research and an additional four AP exams

Where Our Grads Go


  • 100% of Appleby graduates attend university or college

  • Appleby's 2024 graduating class will be attending 61 different post-secondary institutions

  • Our graduates have been accepted into some of the world’s finest post-secondary institutions such as University of British Columbia, Dalhousie University, McGill University, Queen’s University, University of Toronto, Western University, University of California, Berkeley, Brown University, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, Princeton University, King’s College London, University of St Andrews and the University of Cambridge

Global Experiential Learning


  • Inspires students to become empathetic world leaders where active citizenship can impact the world

  • Essential component of the Appleby College Diploma and Appleby College Diploma with Distinction in Global Leadership

  • Experiential immersion enhances student learning, service leadership, teamwork and understanding in intercultural environments

  • Students engage in multiple aspects of culture including language, religion, the arts, history, geography and globalization

  • Activities include social, environmental and community development

International Exchange

  • Provides new perspectives and helps students gain greater insight into the world and develop their intercultural capacities and adaptability
  • Exchanges ranging from three weeks to an entire school reporting period (in-person or virtual) in a diverse range of countries including Germany, Spain, Peru, Oman, Switzerland, France, Australia, South Africa, Thailand and India

  • Language-based exchanges strengthen oral and comprehension skills of the language

  • Culture-based exchanges allow the student to develop their sense of independence


  • Offers a Diploma in European Proficiency (DEP) to senior secondary students who have been active in the field of European studies
  • Requires a cultural exchange of 3+ weeks in a European country
  • Completion of a 4U programme in the target language in Senior Two (Grade 12)
  • Completion of an oral and visual presentation based on a study of a cultural aspect of the European country visited
  • Completion of a detailed study of some aspect of European institutions, History or Geography

Round Square


  • Students have the opportunity to attend domestic and international conferences/ virtual dialogues/exchanges

  • Based on the theories of experiential educational philosopher Kurt Hahn

  • Encourages personal development and responsibility in students

  • The Round Square King Constantine Medal is awarded to a graduating student in recognition of their outstanding commitment to global leadership and community engagement

  • Virtual exchanges and dialogues allow students to connect with other students around the globe to discuss cultural perspectives and global issues

Outdoor Education


  • Senior Two (Grade 12) and Senior One (Grade 11) students are able to continue and further develop their outdoor leadership skills in the Outdoor Leadership classes participate and aid in guiding the Upper Two (Grade 10) winter trip

  • Leadership team transfers knowledge and skills associated with the outdoors

  • Outdoor instructors exemplify and promote co-operation, self-confidence, commitment, trust, responsibility and common sense

  • Students travel by snowshoe, cook over open fires and spend two nights sleeping in a quinzhee, a snow-shelter they build themselves

  • Students who are new to Appleby in Grade 11 or Grade 12 complete a New Student Outdoor Education trip at Appleby's S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus

Student Leadership


  • Develop leadership skills through the creation of programming or advocacy for their council areas
  • Events affiliated with these clubs: Leadership workshops, leadership conferences, lunch time activities, awareness weeks, and Community Weekends

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

  • This international award has three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold

  • Founded by the late HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

  • Encourages youth to be active, develop new skills and challenge themselves

  • Students pursuing leadership opportunities achieve at least their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award

  • 98 Duke of Edinburgh's Silver Award recipients over the past three years at Appleby 
  • Seven Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award recipients in the past three years at Appleby

  • Download the Duke of Edinburgh's ORB Participant app on IOS here or for Android devices here.

"For those students considering going for a leadership role, I know that I had a lot of doubts after I applied for a Prefect role and went through the process. I encourage students to try and keep an open mind. Focus on knowing that you want to be involved as opposed to having to be a specific Prefect. And even if you don't get the role you want - still look for other opportunities. You won't regret it."

nicole lee '17

Senior School Facts


 Senior One Students


Senior Two Students


Senior School Colours Recipients
in 2023-24 


Nationalities & Cultures 


Senior School Elective Courses


Senior Schol Sports Team

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