Contact Us

Contact Us

Last updated
7/29/2024 6:46:31 PM

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! You can reach us with any of the following:

Main Phone: 905-845-4681, ext. 0
Fax: 905-845-9828
Admissions: 905-845-4681, ext. 188
Campus Security: 905-845-4681, ext. 273 or 905-208-0851

Our Address:

540 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario L6K 3P1


Explore Our Campus

Campus 360 Tour


Come Visit Us - Directions to Appleby

Appleby College is 35 minutes from Pearson International Airport and is easily reached via all major road routes.

From Pearson Airport:

West on 401 to 427 South. Go west on the QEW to Dorval Drive exit (one exit after Trafalgar). South on Dorval Drive to Lakeshore Road West. Turn right (west) and drive one kilometre to Appleby College on left (south) side of Lakeshore Road West.

From Downtown Toronto:

West on Gardiner Expressway (which becomes Queen Elizabeth Way) to Dorval Drive exit. South on Dorval Drive to Lakeshore Road West. Turn right (west) and drive one kilometre to Appleby College on left (south) side of Lakeshore Road West.

From Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Burlington:

East on QEW to Dorval Drive exit. South on Dorval Drive to Lakeshore Road West. Turn right (west) and drive one kilometre to Appleby College on left (south) side of Lakeshore Road West.

From GO Train:

Whether you are travelling on the Eastbound or Westbound GO Train Lakeshore route, get off at the Oakville GO Station. Bus #14 stops one block north of Appleby, on Rebecca Street. For routes and schedules, visit GO Transit or call 1-888-438-6646.