

Last updated
1/22/2025 4:00:27 PM

Appleby Governance

Board of Governors

Appleby College is one of Canada’s leading independent schools for more than 760 young men and women in Grades 7 to 12. Recognized by its peers for its innovative academic programme and commitment to student excellence, Appleby continues to embrace the vision of its co-founder and patron Sir Edmund Walker, “to produce among its youngsters, potential leaders for the nation and the world.” Founded in 1911, Appleby has evolved into a global leader providing girls and boys from Canada and 47 other countries the opportunity to gain insights and understanding of each other and their world.

The Appleby College Board of Governors is composed of parents, alumni, parents of alumni, and friends of the school. The College Board is the ultimate decision-making body for the school. This critical governance group is always looking to deepen the pool of prospective candidates who could contribute to their work in the years ahead.


Chair of the Board Bill Benson '79
Honorary Chair of the Board Aubrey Baillie '63
Chair, Governance Committee, Secretary to the Board Janice Madon
Chair, Finance Committee, Treasurer Andrew Cockwell
Chair, Advancement Committee Jas Brar '98
Chair, Property Committee Wayne Carson
Chair, Risk Committee Burhana Bello-Ayorinde
Chair, Appleby College Foundation (Ex-Officio) Geoff Spidle '87
Vice-Chair of the Board Vik Sachdev
Vice-Chair of the Board Bill Benson '79
Principal (Ex-Officio) Innes van Nostrand
President, Parents' Association (Ex-Officio) Kathy Vucic
President, Alumni Association (Ex-Officio) Cameron Hurst
Board Member Alexandra Blum
Board Member Shen Goh '91
Board Member Samir Kulkarni '93
Board Member Steven Latimer
Board Member Joseph Longo
Board Member Dante Morra '91
Board Member Cheryl Smith

Contact Information

Members of the Appleby community who have suggestions for candidates or who themselves may be interested in serving are encouraged to submit expressions of interest for consideration by the respective Governance and Nominating Committees. Please email

For questions of other matters to the board, please contact Innes van Nostrand, Principal, Appleby College at 905-845-4681 ext. 224 or by email.

For information or questions regarding Appleby College's financial statements, please contact Jewell Kennedy, Chief Financial Officer, administration at 905-845-4681 ext. 213 or by email.

The Board of Trustees of The Appleby College Foundation

The Appleby College Foundation is a registered charity, governed by its own board of trustees, to which our endowed funds are entrusted to be invested appropriately and disbursed to the school for very specific purposes.

The Appleby College Foundation’s endowment provides income that is primarily directed to need-based student assistance. Our commitment to offering students an outstanding education is well secured; however excellence comes with a price. Appleby tuition fees are not insignificant. These fees are an investment in students and are reflected in the programmes and opportunities offered at Appleby College. An Appleby College Education would be out of reach for many were it not for the assistance provided by The Appleby College Foundation. Appleby College is committed to attracting exceptional students first and foremost. The opportunities that The Foundation provides will continue to make an exceptional education possible for many.

Foundation Board of Trustees

Chair of the Board Geoff Spidle '87
Honorary Chair of the Board Aubrey Baillie '63
Chair, Investment Committee Vince Valentini '88
Chair, Loans Committee Bonnie Flemington
Chair, Nominating Committee John See
Secretary, Board Member Michael DesRoches '62
Chair, Board of Governors (Ex-Officio) Bill Benson '79
Principal (Ex-Officio) Innes van Nostrand
President, Parents' Association (Ex-Officio) Kathy Vucic
President, Alumni Association (Ex-Officio) Cameron Hurst '94
Board Member Ferdi Cheuk '92
Board Member Samantha Cheung
Board Member Eugene Cook '03
Board Member Lyndon Fournier '78
Board Member Julie Cordeiro
Board Member Casey Gallagher '95
Board Member Noreen Marchand
Board Member Stephen Sisokin
Board Member Jason Tsadilas '89

Contact Information

For more information about the Appleby College Foundation please email

A Closer Look

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