Student Leadership

Student Leadership

Last updated
8/30/2024 9:11:17 PM

Leaders Of Character

OriginalImage,Original,Student Leadership

"Leadership at Appleby is woven through our pillars and programming. Myriad leadership opportunities exist, all carefully curated to age and stage; each begins with self-awareness and skill development and prioritizes inclusive, positive relationships. Leadership is innovative, action-based, and aspirational."

claire kelly, assistant head of school, student life

The Appleby Leadership Pathway 


  • Appleby's culture code sets a simple set of guidelines: Find Your Way. Keep It Real. Be Humble. Embrace Change. Lead With Gratitude
  • Middle School: CAIS Leadership Conference, Leadership Clubs, Leadership Workshop, weekly lessons in Home Form co-curriculars
  • Upper School: Service Day leadership roles, Leadership Workshop, Student Ambassadors, Appleby Hound Editor, Leadership Clubs, Co-curriculars
  • Senior School: SPEAK Leaders, Home Form Leaders, Peer Counsellors, CAIS Leadership Conference, Thrive Workshop, Round Square Conferences and Exchanges, over 125 formal leadership roles including Prefect, House Council, Chapel Wardens, Argus Editors, Co-curriculars, Leadership Clubs, Grad Class, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB), and Student Ambassador Council Co-Heads


Appleby's Leadership Culture Code

Appleby's Leadership Culture Code is a simple set of guidelines the encourage behaviours that benefit our community.

Find Your Way.
Keep It Real.
Be Humble.
Embrace Change.
Lead With Gratitude.

Leadership Development Tools

A variety of industry recognized self-assessment, awareness and relationship development tools are used throughout the student leadership programme:

Student Leadership Facts


Global Action Plans Created In The Past 5 Years


Prefect Roles


Academic Leadership Courses


Leadership Clubs


Positional Leadership Roles From 
Upper One To Senior One


Leadership Building Assessment Tools

Academic Leadership Courses


  • Leadership theory and skills are taught in various academic courses where students have the opportunity to learn about the theory and develop leadership skills through application in experiential education settings both on campus and at the S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus in Temagami
    • BOH4M - Business Leadership
    • PLF4MN - Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership
    • PLF4MR - Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership

Appleby College Diploma With Distinction In Global Leadership

  • Step outside of comfort zone and practice leadership in the international community with hands-on, practical experiential global measured outcomes

  • Students have the opportunity in the Senior Two year to apply their leadership skills at an international level

  • Experiential learning allows for authentic opportunities to develop leadership and prepare students to be a voice for positive change locally and internationally

Co-Curricular And Clubs Programme


  • Leadership development skills are intentionally taught in the co-curricular and club programme
  • Students learn educational theory and have the opportunity to apply the theory through their clubs and co-curricular involvement
  • Leadership clubs - there are over 15 different councils and clubs specifically designed to develop leadership skills in students
  • Positional leaders - there are over 200 positional leadership roles in both Upper School and Senior School co-curriculars

Colours Awarded And Leadership


  • Student leadership development is supported through the co-curricular programme
  • Colours are awarded each reporting period to students who demonstrate outstanding performance and leadership in competitive athletics, arts or service
  • Students are nominated by their faculty supervisor and are presented with a Colours tie and permitted to wear the Colours jacket

Criteria for being awarded Colours are as follows:

  • Arts Colours: Colours winners model commitment, positive and enthusiasm for the activity as well as demonstrate outstanding performance skills. Students winning colours in the arts exhibit proactive initiative as well as leadership and collaboration abilities and they motivate and inspire those around them.
  • Athletics Colours: Athletes recognized as colours winners demonstrated initiative and support their teammates' efforts. Colours recipients have been positive role models in their team and motivate others to perform to the best of their ability. These students are outstanding ambassadors for their team and Appleby athletics as a whole.
  • Service Colours: Students awarded colours in Service Learning demonstrate a deep understanding of the needs of the community and form a genuine bond with community partners. They have impeccable attendance records and demonstrate leadership skills through the encouragement of peers, positive role modelling and demonstrate initiatives that add value to the overall programme. These students are reliable, committed and approachable.


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