Upper School Information

Upper School Information

Last updated
9/4/2024 9:06:06 PM

The Strength of Upper School
(Grade 9 & 10)

"Our Upper School provides a breadth of experience for our students, from our academic and co-curricular programme, to experiential trips at our S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus in Temagami. Students have a multitude of opportunities to establish their identity, both their own and within their school community."

christopher patterson - Director, Upper school

Rich Curriculum


  • Focus on character education
  • Students have a rich choice of electives ranging from Arts to World Languages

  • Students partake in innovative collaboration through a digital learning environment

  • Students actively develop leadership skills and confidence through curriculum and support

  • Strong group of Upper School core courses keeps Senior School course options open

  • Click here to view the course calendar

AP (Advanced Placement)

  • Challenges, accelerates learning and motivates students
  • AP examinations are accepted as first-year credits at all Canadian and most U.S. colleges and universities

  • 572 AP exams were written in 2022-23

  • AP Capstone is an innovative diploma programme providing students an opportunity to engage in rigorous scholarly practice of the core academic skills necessary for successful university completion

  • To achieve the AP Capstone certificate, students must complete and pass AP Seminar and AP Research and an additional four AP exams

  • English Composition
  • English Literature
  • Calculus AB
  • Calculus BC
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science A
  • Art History
  • Studio Art
  • French Language
  • Chinese Language
  • Human Geography
  • Macroeconomics
  • Psychology
  • World History
  • U.S. History
  • Physics 1
  • Physics 2
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Research
  • Seminar

Advisor Programme

  • Advisors work with students, their parents, teachers and school directors to encourage, guide and provide support

  •  New Upper One (Grade 9) and Upper Two (Grade 10) students are assigned to an Advisor, with a group of eight to 10 other students

  •  Advisor groups stay together from Upper One (Grade 9) to Senior Two (Grade 12) so Advisors can follow a student’s development

  • Advisor groups allow students to transition into a new grade, discuss school issues, seek peer advice and learn from knowledgeable faculty members

Co-Curricular Passport

  • The Passport is the guide for students in choosing co-curricular options over the course of their Appleby experience
  • Provides flexibility so students can pursue areas of individual interest whether in Athletics, Arts or Service
  • Ensures students take a variety of options from Arts, Athletics, and Service
  • Athletics exemptions are offered, allowing students to pursue up to 12 terms of sports
  • Minimum of three athletes (one per year) from Upper One (Grade 9) to Senior One (Grade 11)



  • Students can develop leadership skills through a variety of workshops and conferences
  • Opportunities to develop leadership skills include the Upper School Council, International Council, Service Council, Arts Council or various leadership clubs
  • Students learn about leadership through the co-curricular program, the advisor program and the boarding life program
  • Experiential education opportunities are provided through global education, the northern campus and co-curricular leadership roles
  • Students have the opportunity to apply to a variety of formal leadership positions in the spring

Intercultural Learning

  • Cultural immersion programme allowing students to broaden their perspectives outside their own culture
  • Students engage with multiple aspects and influences of culture, including language, religion, the arts, history, geography and globalization
  • Allows students to bring meaningful intercultural experiences to the classroom
  • Inspires students to be leaders in creating a future where active citizenship can impact the world

Round Square

  • Appleby was the first Canadian school to join Round Square
  • Students have the opportunity to attend domestic and international conferences/exchanges
  • Based on the theories of experiential educational philosopher Kurt Hahn
  • Encourages personal development and responsibility in students
  • The Round Square King Constantine Medal is awarded in recognition of outstanding commitment to the Round Square IDEALS

International Exchange

  • Provides new perspectives and helps students gain a greater insight into the world
  • Exchanges range from three weeks to an entire school reporting period in countries such as Germany, Spain, Peru, Oman, Switzerland, France, Australia, South Africa, Thailand and India
  • Language-based exchanges strengthen oral and comprehension skills of the language
  • Culture-based exchanges allow the student to develop their sense of independence

Outdoor Education

  • Upper One (Grade 9) students participate in autumn outdoor education experiences to learn wilderness navigation techniques, develop an appreciation for the natural environment and build bonds in their advisor group

  • Each winter Upper Two (Grade 10) students participate in a six-day trip to Appleby’s S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus for winter camping and skills development

  • Students receive instruction in a variety of wilderness skills, including snowshoeing, wilderness navigation with map and compass, outdoor cooking and camping skills

  • Each group is assigned one Senior Two (Grade 12) and two Senior One (Grade 11) outdoor instructors

  • Students who are new to Appleby in Grade 11 or Grade 12 complete a New Student Outdoor Education trip at Appleby's S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus


Experiential Education

  • Global Experiential Programme trip options in December, March, May and June

  • Past locations have included various locations in Canada, Argentina, Costa Rica, Cambodia, Colombia, Germany, Mongolia, Macedonia, Morocco, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Senegal, Spain and Thailand to name a few
  • As part of their Appleby Diploma, students in Upper School enjoy two experiential visits to the S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus in Temagami for skills development in leadership and outdoor education

  • Participation in a global experience is a core requirement of the Appleby College Diploma which is included as part of tuition fees for students entering Upper School

Global Experiential Learning

  • Experiential immersion enhances student learning, service leadership, teamwork and understanding in intercultural environments
  • Students engage in multiple aspects of culture including language, religion, the arts, history, geography and globalization
  • Inspires students to become empathetic world leaders in creating a future where active citizenship can impact the world
  • Participation in a global experience is a core requirement of the Appleby College Diploma with trip options in December, March and May

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

  • This international award has three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold
  • Founded by the late HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh
  • Encourages youth to be active, develop new skills and challenge themselves
  • Students pursuing leadership opportunities achieve at least their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • 98 Silver Award recipients over the past three years at Appleby 

  • Seven Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award recipients over the past three years at Appleby

  • Download the Duke of Edinburgh's ORB Participant app on IOS here or for Android devices here

Upper School Facts


Upper One  Students


Upper Two Students


Sports Teams 


Nationalities & Cultures


Student to Advisor Ratio


One Fall and One Winter Trip to the 
S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus

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