2023-2024 Global Experiential Programs

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2023-24 Global Experiential Programs


2023-2024 Global Experiential Programs

Last updated
6/24/2024 6:26:27 PM

Appleby has offered global experiential programming for over 20 years and the 2023-2024 school year will continue this legacy. These programs contribute to student learning by fostering community, providing intercultural education, granting opportunities for personal growth and leadership, as well as chances for building teamwork skills, reflective practices and furthering global understanding. 
In preparation for the below programming, please review your passport and other travel documents to make sure they are up-to-date and not expiring soon. Many destinations require your passport to be valid for six months after your return date. 

November/December 2023
  • Ecuador - Galapagos Islands (Upper Two to Senior Two) - Biology and Field Research
  • Costa Rica (Upper Two to Senior Two) - Sustainability and Community Engagement
  • Colombia (Upper Two to Senior Two) - History and Culture
  • Guatemala (Upper Two to Senior Two) - Food Systems and Cultural Identity

Applications for the December programs will open Thursday, May 18, 2023 and be available until Friday, June 2, 2023. 

March 2024 (anticipated - applications open in September 2023)
  • Argentina (Upper Two to Senior Two Boys) - Rugby and Culture
  • Bali, Indonesia (Upper One to Upper Two) - Environment, Sustainability and Intercultural Understanding
  • Cambodia (Upper Two to Senior Two) - Reconciliation and Community Engagement
  • Ecuador (Upper One to Senior Two) – Indigenous Communities and the Natural Environment
  • Germany (Upper Two to Senior Two) - German Language, History & Culture
  • Greece (Upper Two to Senior Two) - Music and Math
  • Senegal (Upper One to Senior Two) - History, Arts, and Culture
  • Middle School (with Senior Leader positions) - details and location to be announced
April/May 2024 (anticipated - applications open in September 2023)
  • Italy (Upper Two) - Blue Zones, Agriculture and Food
  • France (Upper Two) - History and Culture
  • TBA - June 2023

November/December 2023 applications are available on the BBK12 Global Experiential Programs page. More details about March 2024 and April/May 2024 programs will be available in September 2023.


Global Education Information Session

The Global Education department will be holding an information session on Monday, May 29, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in LEC (located on the ground level of the Nicholas Arts Centre). This session will focus on those Global Experiences available in December 2023. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the December application process and details about individual December trips. If you are unable to attend, a recording of the presentation will be shared in Appleby This Week after the event. Please note that full details about March 2024 and May 2024 experiences will be shared in September 2023 and an information session that focuses on March and May experiences will be held in early October 2023.