POLs and June Exams

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POLS & June Exams


POLs and June Exams

Last updated
6/24/2024 5:04:45 PM

A Message from Dr. Sarah Morrison, Assistant Head of School, Academics

Appleby College students will soon be preparing for their June exams. This is both a busy and rewarding time of the year, where students are encouraged take the opportunity to apply the knowledge and understanding that they’ve worked on in their academic courses throughout the year. 

Exams will be held from Wednesday, June 7 to Friday, June 16, 2023. Please click here for the timetable. If a course does not appear on this schedule, that means that there is no final exam for that course. Please note that specific details with regards to exam locations will be shared with students in late May. Class time during the week of May 29 as well as on Monday, June 5, 2023 will be dedicated to exam review. Tuesday, June 6, 2023 is an at home study day. There will be no classes on this day and no buses will be running. 

During the exam period, Middle Two students will showcase their Presentations of Learning (POL). These presentations are a culminating event celebrating student learning as they finish Middle School and prepare to move to the Upper School. The Presentations of Learning will highlight meaningful growth experiences for Middle School teachers, peers, Home Form advisors, and parents across all aspects of their learning in the Middle School at Appleby.  

After reviewing the exam timetable, students should organize a study schedule and ensure they have all required course materials. It's also important that they back-up their work on their laptops; if help is needed in doing so, please visit the IT department for assistance. To prepare for examinations, students should focus on the essential understandings of each course, eat well and maintain a regular sleep cycle. Also, last-minute studying and cramming should be avoided, instead, follow a schedule that will ensure there is time to study for each class. Morning exams will begin at 9:00 a.m. and afternoon exams will begin at 1:30 p.m. Please be sure to arrive at school a minimum of 30 minutes before an exam. As students may choose to wear the warmer weather uniform (white Appleby polo with or without the Appleby ¼ zip crested sweater) after the May long weekend, it is permitted to be worn to exams. 

Appleby's advisors and guidance counsellors are wonderful resources for study tips and techniques. Students are encouraged to contact the guidance department for assistance if needed.
We wish our students all the best as they prepare and take advantage of all the opportunities that both the summative period and the final examination period have to offer.