Educational Excellence

Temagami Reflections


Last updated
6/25/2024 2:22:58 PM

Mark Hubner '06

While my entire Appleby experience was filled with some amazing memories over the years, my weeks spent in Temagami top them all. I think it is the only place that I have woken up to snow on a Lake in June! It is difficult to choose a favorite moment, but I will always remember my first snowshoe at night, with the stars and our headlamps leading us back to Rabbit Nose Island from our quinzhees. These trips taught us resilience, pushed us beyond our comfort zones, and helped to build friendships, by both creating and deepening them alike.

With thanks to the Outdoor Leader courses, heading up as a JOL and SOL guide, and optional visits, I was able to experience the Northern Campus for 7 trips during my time at Appleby. I have been back once since graduating in '06 and it was as enjoyable as the trips before it. A massive thank you to Doug Stamper for his tireless efforts, leadership, and of course his sense of humor. I am truly grateful to have had those opportunities, and look forward to returning again.


"These trips taught us reilience, pushed us beyond our comfort zones, and helped to build friendships, by both creating and deepening them alike."

Mark Hubner'06



Mark Hubner '06 Temagami Reflections